My sister Kate Tilley
My sister Kaat Tilley is a very famous fashion designer.
She was at the top when it came to Belgian fashion. She has been making beautiful Fairy-like clothing for years. Her big fans and clients included Barbara Streisand, Diana Ross, our former queen Paola and many more. Singer Dulce Pontes was one of her personal friends.
She passed away in June 2012 due to a rare disease.
The jewelry collectionCONNECTED Harry Tilley has specially dedicated it to his sister with great respect. On Facebook, Harry TiLLEY has started a group in memory of his sister, you can view this groupthrough this LINK.
The last original jewelry made to order by If you are looking for a piece of jewelry in the style of Kaat Tilley, take a look at our La Vie En Rose collection. Artistic timeless jewelry.